Posts tagged transition
How To Rock Fakie on a Mini Ramp on a Skateboard - Skate Basics - Transition Tutorial

Today's trick tip is the rock fakie or Rock To Fakie, depending on what you want to call it. It's the basis of all ramp tricks and it's a scary one to learn (wait it'll my goofy mattress hack!) I've broken it down as much as possible to help you get it. The key to this one is slowly building up the skills and steps for the trick, and finding a nice small ramp to learn on.

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How To Frontside Kickturn in Transition - Skate Basics Tutorial - Ramps

Today's trick tip is the frontside kick turn on a ramp. It's a good basic trick that will help you build confidence and get speed on transition. When you’re learning this turn on a bank, or in a ramp, it really is all in the shoulders and head to get the turn. Lead with your eyes and arms and the lower body (and skateboard) will follow

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How To Pump in Transition - Skate Basics Tutorial - Generating Speed on a Ramp

In this tutorial we're showing you one of the fundamental basic skills for being at a skatepark and skating ramps: How to Pump on transition. Pumping is the way we generate and manage speed on a skateboard. It's all about the transfer of energy from us through to the ramp to help generate or wipe off speed. Enjoy!

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