Learn How to Ollie – Skateboarding Basics Trick Tip Tutorial 01

Skateboarding 101 - The ‘Ollie’ is the foundation of all tricks, here’s how to learn it

In order to learn how to Ollie (jump) on a skateboard, you want to be comfortable rolling and pushing around on the flat ground.

01. Snap - Crouch down low, then snap the tail by kicking down with your back foot.

02. Pop - As the tail hits the ground, you lift your arms as the board starts to pop and jump up.

03. Slide - To stay centered over your board, just slide your front foot up the board by tilting it slightly.

04. Tuck - As you jump, tuck your knees up towards your chest, lifting that back foot up high.

05. Land - Spot your landing, have your feet square over the bolts, your body centered, knees slightly bent.

If you’re struggling to ollie whilst moving, try whilst stationary. A trick here is to find a small crack to rest one of your wheels in. That will help stabilise the board so it doesn’t roll and move around whilst you’re setting up. You can also put your board on grass or carpet to help you have ore stability and give you some extra confidence.

A real key in the ollie is the timing. Make sure the back foot kicks down fast, you’re aiming for that snap sound and feeling.

once you have your ollie down, you can try ollieing over small objects like a stick, or crack in the pavement to help you improve your timing and confidence. Next step…The curb!

If you have any questions, leave a comment below and I’ll help out where I can!

Good luck.