Online Skate Coaching Pack AUD$130 (Approx US$87)

Online Skate Coaching Pack AUD$130 (Approx US$87)
Film, Send, Learn.
Improve your skating with an online coaching pack for personalised feedback on your clips!
Send a video for analysis from our professional coach
Receive personalised feedback including video markups, diagrams, videos and explanations along with anything else we feel you need to learn the trick.
Professional coach feedback on your skate clips!
The packaging includes analysis for one trick via email with personalised feedback and tips.
Tricks can be Flatland, Street, or Park. We can help with any tricks.
How it works:
Once you have purchased this pack we will be in touch or you can email through your first video with the trick you are working on.
We will analyse the video and provide feedback with any relevant videos/digrams/exmplanations needed
You can either ask extra questions to clarify the feedback, or get out and start working on the trick
Once you’ve had time to try the trick again, film it and send an updated video for your second review
We will analyse the second video and give further advice and instruction.
Please limit videos to 5 minutes max and focusing on one specific trick to maximise efficiency of feedback.
For any questions or confirmations simply contact: